Competitive Trampolining
We accept all applicants to trial at City of Salford Trampoline and DMT Club with levels to suit all gymnasts from basic recreational to International performance.
(All members of the squad must be a silver member of British Gymnastics at the cost of £42 and member of the North West at the cost of £5. These can be purchased at the British Gymnastic website at: www.british-gymnastics.org)
We will always suggest the best course of action for the gymnast and advise a level which will provide the best environment for their progress. The levels below will allow you to see what we look for in the gymnasts that are joining the squad.
Development Squad
This is a development squad and is the very start of their squad career. We look for those who wish to trial to have very good basics with all body landings and twisting to and from the body landings. We also would require the gymnast to be able to salto forward and backwards with or without twist, these should all be shown with good control.
NDP Squad
This is the final level where the gymnasts is at a development stage. At this stage the gymnasts will be competing at a low Regional NDP level with all basic skills in good order and being able to complete around 6-8 salto’s within a 10 bounce routine.
FIG Development
The first stage of being on full squad where a gymnast has shown improvements in the skills on and off the trampoline. Dedication to stretching and core and body fitness is equally as important to a gymnast as being able to perform multiple salto’s with and without twist. At this stage the gymnasts should be performing at a high NDP level Regionally or Nationally.
The highest level of squad we do. This is at the stage where a gymnast should be performing at the highest National level, (FIG). They should be committed and at this stage performing double salto’s with and without twist. This is an International squad standard that has produced Olympic Gymnasts and countless National Champions.