About Us

The City of Salford Trampoline and Gymnastic club was formed over 40 years ago and is still one of the top clubs in Great Britain. Until 2006 it was an intrinsic part of the city council’s sports development programmes. The centre of excellence on Devonshire Street was the first home up for City of Salford Gymnastic and Trampoline Club, until September 2017. In 2011 our new ‘Centre of Excellence’ was established in the Broughton HUB where it has now established itself, in its 2.5-million-pound purpose-built facility in.

The Devonshire Street Centre was built from the gymnasium of the old ‘Salford Girls School’.  With extensive renovations started in 1984, the main section of the building was opened in 1985 by the then Major of Salford. A extension was applied for and approved to create a purpose built trampolining section to the building, and in 1986 the floor pitted trampolines where in place and ready for use.  This extension added much need space so that both the Gymnastic and Trampoline programmes could flourish.

The facility was one of the best and most productive combined Trampoline and Gymnastic centres in the United Kingdom and offered programmes for the whole of the Salford and the wider North West community.  The centre offered a wide range of Gymnastic type activities as well as elite level trampolining to athletes from across the North of England.

In 2005 the council split the club in two, placing the Gymnastic arm at Ordsal Recreation Centre, whilst Trampoline stayed at Devonshire Street and waited for the HUB to be built.  During this time the Trampoline club went through some tough times, it was left to fend for itself.  In 2006 the Trampoline club became privately run with no council ties.  Since then it has grown from strength to strength.  The club has tirelessly work with the local community and Salford council to acquire the two facilities needed to keep the club operational and producing the highest standard of Gymnasts.

The New Broughton HUB facility opened in 2011 but not occupied until 2014, is purpose-built Trampoline facility.  Built to help produce high level Trampoline Gymnasts.

The club has always dedicated itself to all disciplines of Gymnastics and in consultation with the council from 2011 -2017, the club successfully negotiated the use of the previously named ‘Broughton Recreational Centre’ on Camp Street Higher Broughton.

Since February 2018 the newly named, ‘Salford Gymnastic Centre’ on Camp Street has become the home of both Trampoline Recreational classes and once again reuniting us with ‘City of Salford Gymnastic Club’.   This centre will continue to help provide gymnastic disciplines to all the community of Salford and the surrounding areas for another 40 years.

Our comprehensive programme still includes: World class trampoline coaching, recreational gymnastics and trampoline coaching, pre-school movement education, primary and secondary school curriculum support with GCSE provision, special needs provision for children and adults, comprehensive coaching education programme and hosting national/international competitions, squad and clinics.

The trampoline element of the club is world renowned for producing numerous world class and national level athletes that include:

  • 6th place at the Sydney Olympics 2000
  • Junior Olympics gold medallist
  • 5 Junior world champions
  • Senior European gold medallist
  • European club champions 1997 and 2000
  • 5 Senior British championships
  • Numerous junior British and Regional champions

The trampoline squad consists of some thirty plus athletes with 75% of them competing at National and International level.  Over our two centres we have over 300 individual participants as we look to extend that to more and more people within the local and regional area.

Within our two centres we have state of the art equipment, which we add to as often as possible.  The two facilities and its array of top coaches are training the next National, World and Olympic Champions of the future as we strive to bring more success to our City of Salford.

We are looking forward to creating more history in our fantastic centres in both trampoline and gymnastics disciplines.

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